Send Whiskey Episode #4.2 Bonus - FDA Distillery Hand Sanitizer Fees & Spicy Vodka from New Deal
- by Andi Whiskey

Owner and distiller, Tom Burkleaux joined us remotely from Portland, OR to talk about the recent fees the FDA threatened to charge distilleries for selling hand sanitizer. After a bit of a stink was raised on the interwebz and social spaces, the FDA said distilleries are allowed to continue making hand sanitizer while the pandemic continues and waived the imposed fees.
If you're looking for straight facts on the situation, we're not the best source, but we did love getting to hear a distiller's perspective on what happened, as well as hear how New Deal Distillery is doing in this strange world we've found ourselves in.
For more information about the FDA fees, check out this article:
Booze imbibed:
Guest: Tom Burkleaux, Owner & Distiller for New Deal Distillery
Andi Whiskey,
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