#24 - Branch Point Whiskey is Making Good Juice in Oregon

This week, we got to talk to Mitch Graham of Branch Point Whiskey about what they're up to over there in Oregon. Frankly, they're up to some good stuff. We talk about their whiskey made with triticale, which we've fallen in love with.
You can also see a cocktail that our friend Mel made with this whiskey on our Twist & Tailor instagram, @twistandtailor.
Booze imbibed:
Trit Whiskey by Branch Point Whiskey (Instagram: @branchpointwhiskey)
Sponsored: Honeydew Bourbon Whiskey by Garrison Bros
Matt Dutton of Twist & Tailor for the tasting segment
Mitch Graham of Branch Point Whiskey
Andi Whiskey, instagram.com/andi.whiskey
Nemo, instagram.com/nemowithatwist
And don't forget to follow us on instagram, instagram.com/send.whiskey and shoot us a message about what you'd like to hear on future episodes.
Also check out our agency, Twist & Tailor, instagram.com/twistandtailor. We help grow food and beverage businesses. If you own a business, get in touch.
You can also see a cocktail that our friend Mel made with this whiskey on our Twist & Tailor instagram, @twistandtailor.
Booze imbibed:
Trit Whiskey by Branch Point Whiskey (Instagram: @branchpointwhiskey)
Sponsored: Honeydew Bourbon Whiskey by Garrison Bros
Matt Dutton of Twist & Tailor for the tasting segment
Mitch Graham of Branch Point Whiskey
Andi Whiskey, instagram.com/andi.whiskey
Nemo, instagram.com/nemowithatwist
And don't forget to follow us on instagram, instagram.com/send.whiskey and shoot us a message about what you'd like to hear on future episodes.
Also check out our agency, Twist & Tailor, instagram.com/twistandtailor. We help grow food and beverage businesses. If you own a business, get in touch.