#29 - Bartender Roundtable | F*** Yelp

This episode of the Send Whiskey podcast is another bartender roundtable with some awesome bartenders around Denver, CO. We got to talk with Henry Ottrix, Travis Gale, Mel Ostrow, and of course Twist & Tailor team member, Matt Dutton about bartending in this weird world we've found ourselves in.
The crew talks about mask requirements, the weird trends they've seen in the bars since opening up, and about how Yelp sucks.
Welcome to Season 2 of the podcast, friends.
Booze imbibed:
Free Spirits Spirit of Bourbon
Henry Ottrix
Travis Gale
Mel Ostrow
Matt Dutton
Andi Whiskey, instagram.com/andi.whiskey
Nemo, instagram.com/nemowithatwist
And don't forget to follow us on instagram, instagram.com/send.whiskey and shoot us a message about what you'd like to hear on future episodes.
Also check out our agency, Twist & Tailor, instagram.com/twistandtailor. We help grow food and beverage brands. If you own a business, get in touch. We're here to help.
The crew talks about mask requirements, the weird trends they've seen in the bars since opening up, and about how Yelp sucks.
Welcome to Season 2 of the podcast, friends.
Booze imbibed:
Free Spirits Spirit of Bourbon
Henry Ottrix
Travis Gale
Mel Ostrow
Matt Dutton
Andi Whiskey, instagram.com/andi.whiskey
Nemo, instagram.com/nemowithatwist
And don't forget to follow us on instagram, instagram.com/send.whiskey and shoot us a message about what you'd like to hear on future episodes.
Also check out our agency, Twist & Tailor, instagram.com/twistandtailor. We help grow food and beverage brands. If you own a business, get in touch. We're here to help.